Happy late Father's Day to all of the Dads who: have living children here on earth, have children in heaven, have tried so hard to have a baby with their significant other but the pregnancy may have miscarried or they were never able to even become pregnant..
If you have dreams of being a Dad.. bless you & Happy Fathers Day to you.. to everyone!
Be kind to one another and don't pass judgment on someone else's life experiences.. If they are not your shoes.. not your journey.. then you don't know..
You can guess what it would be like and even conjure up in your mind how you would handle things (all things- not just grieving the loss of a child)...
But you don't know & honestly we're glad you don't know.. Keep your judgments to yourself..
I'm on a lifetime grieving journey.. like so many others.. There's no ending timeframe so please don't think that someone should be "over" something or "bounce" back from such a big life changing event.. This is apart of my life forever and it may change but Lily will be apart of me forever.. in some way (same for other grieving families)

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