Paige was born very early and she was in the NICU at Kosair Children's Hospital when she received a hairbow from "The Lily Grace Project" and we have been in contact ever since..
Her family and I believe that my Lily Grace is watching over Paige and tomorrow Paige is going in for surgery.. she should be home quickly but she just came home recently so this is scary..
On June 14, 2013 Lori met with a surgeon about Paige and she shared the following pictures and stories with me:
As we were leaving the surgeons office my stomach was in knots and I was so overwhelmed with fear I was nearly a walking zombie.... My mom grabbed my arm to stop me (she had apparently been calling my name but my mind was racing so bad I didn't even hear her ) when I stopped she pointed to this. I picture hanging on the wall with lady bugs. I had just been in that exact spot when they weighed Paige and didn't even notice it.... Once again our sweet guardian angel lily grace was letting us know, to relax, that she is always with us watching over our sweet baby Paige... This is just another obstacle that we will overcome.
After seeing the lady bugs at the surgeons office... We got in the car and went straight to Lilys burial site... I had given my mom my phone bc I want pictures of Paige and Lilys site for her scrap we were taking the pics mattie walked up & began to say a "prayer to lily" next thing I know she was crying. Even at her age she knows how unfair it is for a baby to gain their angel wings so soon. Once I was able to calm Mattie down we were able to have a nice visit. It was long over due. Lily shows us so often that she is with us... It was time we visited her
**I can't believe how many lives have been touched by our Lily Grace.. these stories mean more to me than anyone will know.. thank you all for always sharing with me

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