Today I wore these shoes...
What is the significance of these shoes???
When Lily passed away.. I didn't have anything to wear to her funeral. I had just had a baby and I didn't really have funeral clothes to wear during the summer..
Plus it was my daughters funeral so it should be something special, right?
So Ricky and I went shopping by ourselves for funeral clothes.. funeral clothes that we would wear for our daughters funeral.. something we should never have to attend..
I remember one of the sales reps making a comment about how something I bought was cute and I must be going somewhere special.. if she only knew that it was for my daughters funeral..
These shoes are important because I bought these to wear to Lily's funeral... ironic thing is the bow on the front.. I didn't decide to do the Lily Grace Hairbow Project yet and something led me to buy shoes for Lily's funeral with a bow on the top..
So why are these shoes significant today? Today is the first time that I got them out of the box and I actually wore them to work..
I LOVE these shoes but it might have been a bad idea to wear them.. I found myself having flashbacks of the shopping trip and her funeral a lot today and I contribute that to these shoes.. who knew shoes could have such a significant meaning to someone..
I wore these shoes the last day that I got to touch my daughters physical body.. the last day I kissed her physical body.. the last day I sang to my daughter..
That is why these shoes are so important..
You just never know how important things can be to someone... shoes...

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