Helping others.. I've been at my job for 6 years and every time I help a family.. it makes my heart happy.. I'm helping families now and having families be grateful for your help and guidance means the world to me.
Do you know what else feels good? When people think of and remember Lily Grace
Look at this beautiful Memorial cross covered in Lily flowers. Lily's Great Aunt Dee Dee and Great Grandma Shirley found and bought this for Lily.. selfishly I didn't put it out at Lily's burial spot because I was afraid someone would take it so I kept it home with me..
Someone took our Easter bunny, basket, and eggs (the cemetery said they didn't take it).. so I kept it home & looked at it a lot! I'm going to put it in Lily's memorial room or out in her Memorial garden at my house when that gets done
Thank you Dee Dee and Grandma Shirley! Lily & I LOVE it!!

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