My journey with Lily began one year ago today.. One year ago today is when I found out I was pregnant with Lily so it was the first day I knew that our sweet baby was coming.
I was pretty excited!! We were leaving for Disney World one we
ek after I found out that I was pregnant.. I was so excited that one day we could take our new baby with us to Disney to meet either the princesses or the pirates..
One year ago today my plans and dreams for this baby started.. Here is a family picture of us at Disney.. so happy with Lily growing in my belly..
I just can't believe that one year ago today I found out about Lily and my full term, beautiful baby is not here.. my dreams and plans for her were so different than this..
Love you sweet Lily.. Forever loved.. Always missed.. never forgotten!! ♥
One year ago today my plans and dreams for this baby started.. Here is a family picture of us at Disney.. so happy with Lily growing in my belly..
I just can't believe that one year ago today I found out about Lily and my full term, beautiful baby is not here.. my dreams and plans for her were so different than this..
Love you sweet Lily.. Forever loved.. Always missed.. never forgotten!! ♥

We had so many ultrasounds of Lily because of her heart. Each tech would try so hard to get a good face picture of Lily but she was very stubborn.. ;). She always covered her face with her hands..
Here is one of the rare ultrasound pictures of Lily not covering her face ;)

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