Thursday, December 20, 2012

Connecticut Shooting.. 27, not 26??

My heart is very broken for the families that lost loved one's last Friday. Can someone tell me why the world is not including the Mom of the shooter for any memorials or anything.. You hear about 26 but to me the Mom should be included too unless there is something I don't know. There are 27 people that should be remembered in my mind.. 27 acts of kindness.. 27- not 26. 

I can only imagine the pain that the family of the shooter is feeling too- he killed his Mom and she was someone's sister, Mom, daughter, Aunt, friend, etc.. They also have the stigma of being related to the awful person that killed all of these kids and adults. 

I feel bad for the suffering his family is going through because of what he did to them too... He took away from them too & they have to live with what he did to the community, the woman he took from their family & they are grieving for the other 26 people too for the rest of their lives too.. 

I'm a newly grieving parent from the loss of my daughter and my heart hurts for the families... So sad! So horrible! 27.. Not 26

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