I've been busy working on holiday decorating/ crafty things at home (trying to keep my mind busy)... Lily's burial spot is almost ready and here is her tree which is also my tree. You see.. I have the same Lily flower solar light at my house as Lily has at her burial spot.. so now I also have a matching mini tree... (I wanted the topper to look kind of like a hairbow.. just for Lily)..

I shared Lily's tree first and now I'll share the other crafty thing I've been working on- thanks to Emily for the idea and YouTube for the tutorial ;)... it is good for my mind to stay busy... so work, time with the kiddos and crafts ;)
Lily would have looked so cute in a tutu as well.. ;(

Thank you Jill Arntz Payne! I received the most perfect angel in the mail today. This angel means a lot to me as it came from one of Lily's most special nurses from the NICU. She helped me be a Mom to Lily as she let me change her diaper, check her temperature, put a headband with a bow on her (that Jill made for her), and put Lily's paci in her mouth. What is even more special is that Jill also got herself the same angel to keep at her house.. so she will never forget Lily either.. brought me to tears. Kosair has such wonderful, sweet and caring nurses/ staff!! Thank you!! Much love.. we will never forget you either Jill!! ♥

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