Monday, December 17, 2012

Lessons from a Grieving Mommy....

Facebook post from Lily's page on Saturday, December 15, 2012: 
Lessons from Lily's Grieving Mommy- I have always been heartbroken and cried when I hear of a child losing their life.. always. I am very empathetic and feel the emotions very deep, always have. Since losing Lily I feel that it is felt ev
en deeper and maybe because I truly know the pain of losing a child now.

Do you remember when Lane Goodwin passed away (beautiful boy that passed away of cancer)? I remember that night being overly emotional because I was so sad for that family but it also brought back emotions and almost made me feel like I just lost my Lily again. I am a part of a grieving parents group and I realized that this is kind of normal.. I wasn't alone in this. So many of us grieving parents had such a hard time with the news because it almost takes you back to your journey.. the day you heard, felt, saw, last kissed them, saw them leave, etc.. it makes it so real again. Not just for Lane but whenever a beautiful, innocent child loses their life. You know the physical and emotional pain that a parent feels when they lose their child....

Yesterday.. I am really having trouble hearing or watching any of what happened because I don't think my heart can handle it anymore.. My heart is so hurt for all of those families and I can't help but think about what those poor children witnessed (both angels and still living), the adults that went through this, the officials that have to see the crime scene, and what the community, especially the grieving families, are going through. If the tears shed yesterday from all the grieving parents that had already lost a child.. if it was measured you wouldn't believe how many lakes, oceans, etc we could have filled.. how many tears we probably shed. This is regardless of how we lost our child too.. it just takes us back.

I don't know what it is like to lose a child to SIDS, tragic accident, shootings, cancer, etc but I do know what it FEELS like to lose a child.. it seems that there is a universal feeling once it happens if that makes sense- that extreme sense of loss but there are other layers of emotions that we may not understand like the brutality from yesterday but sadly, so many of us know the actually feeling of losing a child.. (if that makes sense)

Words cannot express how sad I am for the parents that lost their children yesterday. If you know a parent that loses a child, remember to be there for them. Just say you are sorry and just help how they will let you. It gets overwhelming so it is hard for us to make decisions during that time- even meals, cleaning, etc.. Not much really matters right after that happens. You don't have to say much as sometimes less is better.. "I'm sorry"... that's perfect.

This song is dedicated to all of the new angels from yesterdays tragic incident or for any other angels that have recently joined heaven.. no matter their age. Fly.. Lily, please help guide them because they are new. Show them around.. show them the love..

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