Picture 1:
I have not been able to look at any pictures from Lily's funeral until tonight. I received a few and I will share a few without showing you Lily for now. This was the first picture that I saw and how beautiful is this.. see the light shining down.. I immediately felt like heaven was shining down on Lily's physical body.. just thought this was beautiful. It is shining down on Lily's tiny casket. She has pictures, stuffed animals, flowers, and some beautiful memorial items surrounding Lily. God, Lily, and so many other loved one's were watching over us that day.. hard, hard day.. ;(

Picture 2:
I couldn't handle going shopping to buy Lily's outfit, shoes, headband/ bow, etc for her funeral.. no way. It was too hard. So Lily's grandma and honorary Aunt bought Lily her clothes, shoes, socks, jewelry, headband, hairbow, etc. Several outfits were bought so I could pick one (like I went shopping for her outfit). It was really sweet. Her hairbow matched the bows on her sweet little shoes that you see here. This is a close up of Lily's sweet feet in her pretty pink bow shoes, white ruffle socks, and pretty white outfit. When I turned in her things to the funeral home they asked for a diaper.. that should be no big deal but we didn't have any diapers for Lily as she lived her whole life in the hospital. I could have had a nervous breakdown about this.. It wasn't even the money of buying a package of diapers as it was that I would have to go to a store to buy a pack of diapers for my sweet baby that would never be able to wear but the one that she was buried in.. Luckily my dear friend had a size 2 I believe so she gave it to me. I cried when I took it back up because I didn't know if it would really fit her and I wanted it to fit her.. I wanted everything to be perfect for her. Wow.. this was so hard.. still is.

Picture 3:
So many beautiful outfits to choose from and it was so hard to pick. There was a beautiful pink dress that I really considered burying Lily in but I wanted her to be warm. I know that may seem silly but that is how I felt.. So I picked this beautiful white outfit that would keep her warm and we could see her beautiful feet with her pretty pink shoes. We could see her hands and her jewelry too (bracelet and necklace). She looked beautiful.. always did. I thought this outfit seemed perfect for an angel.. my angel Lily Grace

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