"I put Ambrosia in a Christmas dress this morning still wishing I could find a bow to go with her Christmas dresses. I went to leave the room for a minute and when I opened our door there was a bow from The Lily Grace Project. It was Christmas themed and matched Ambrosia's dress perfectly. We have previously received a bow from this wonderful mom during a stay in the PICU. She makes bows in memory of her daughter Lily Grace who was born with a congenital heart defect and delivers them to little girls in the NICU and PICU here at Kosair's. I linked her blog above and she also has a Facebook page called "Never Forget Lily Grace". Please visit both sites to learn about Lily's story and also what her mom is doing in memory of her."
I can't tell you how this made my day.. I never would have thought a hairbow would make people so happy.. I am forever grateful that Anya shared this picture with me and she said I can share this with you.
Also, please visit her blog:http://angelsforambrosia.weebly.com/angels-for-ambrosia-blog.html
Say prayers for Ambrosia!! Merry Christmas sweet girl and you look BEAUTIFUL in that bow!!

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