Monday, November 5, 2012

When children lose a sibling..

Lily's memorial in our house is in the basement for now- picture boards, special cabinet, her clothes, etc (but I have stuff upstairs too).. So at least once a day & that is usually at night I give one of Lily's picture a kiss & play her musical snow globe for her.. Well tonight I did that & told her goodnight & Makayla was with me so we had a "talk". One of our many Lily "talks" that leaves me i
n tears.

The innocence of kids is just so sweet & can be so heart breaking at the same time too.

So Makayla asks why I kiss the picture because it's just a picture & it's not really Lily.. So I explain that Lily is always with us..etc..etc.. So she then asks why I leave Lily alone downstairs & that really made me sad.

You see on the day Lily passed away my big worry/ fear was leaving her alone after she passed (referring to her physical body because I knew her spiritual body would be with Jesus). This is why I sang You Are Not Alone to her the day she was going to leave us.. This question just brought back so many raw emotions from that day. Makayla then went on to talk about how I'm sad & how I miss Lily..

Then she went on to say how she is sad, how she misses Lily and how hearing certain songs (Somewhere Over The Rainbow, You Are Not Alone, I Will Carry You) make her sad & how she doesn't like hearing those songs because they make her cry...

My son Ethan is not really open about Lily but he is very protective of her. He likes to hear those above mentioned songs so it makes him feel better while it makes Makayla too sad. Blake will just say stuff out of the blue about how he misses Lily but them he moves past it quick. He will tell me when he cries about her, especially if he cries about her at school. The other day he made a song about Lily and he made me go into a room alone to hear it. He had part one which was him "singing as a kid" & the the last part was him singing about Lily when he's an adult. It was really sweet. He even threw in some lines from I Will Carry You. So sweet and touching. ;)

Sarah will talk about Lily but more so if you ask her about Lily. She has written about her and she most recently wrote:
"In August my little sister Lily was born with Hypoplastic left heart syndrome. At only five days old she had to endure open heart surgery. The surgery went relatively well; however, the next few days were a roller coaster ride as one minute she’d be doing fine then the next she would need to be resuscitated; it was emotional. Sadly, Lily passed away August 29th of this year. I believe Lily and her journey largely impacted my life. Lily has made me want to make an impact on the world and help as many people as I possibly can. She made me realize that my life shouldn’t always be all about me. There are people in this world with much bigger problems than mine, and I want to spend my life helping those people."

It is so heart breaking to lose a child but it is also heartbreaking to see your children grieve over the loss of their brother or sister. So sad.. Love to all the siblings that have lost a brother or sister and they are left with broken hearts too..

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