Monday, November 26, 2012

"The 3rd Lily Grace Challenge".. I challenge you

It is hard to believe that this Thursday, November 29th will be exactly 3 months from when our sweet Lily Grace became an angel. That is so hard for me to accept. 

In honor of Lily's monthly Angelversary I ask everyone to do something nice for someone else on the 29th of the month. So this Thursday, November 29th I ask you to participate in "The Lily Grace Challenge"... Her angelversary is a very hard day for all of us and I am try to turn that day of sadness into more of a positive day (as much as pos

Our Lillian "Lily" Grace was such a wonderful, sweet and perfect baby that left our world way too soon at just 18 days old. I held her as she took her last breath and the whole time she kept one eye looking at me.. well she is looking at all of us and to honor her and everyone gone before us.. please do something nice on the 29th or any other day of the month to remember our loved ones gone too soon.

If you live in Louisville you can donate a toy or coat to my Remembrance Coat and Toy drive that I am holding at my work. :)

So I challenge each and every one of you to participate in the Lily Grace Challenge. Tell your family and friends about it too. I challenge you to do at least one nice thing for someone else and this could be big or small. Just do anything that would help another person- plus you won't expect anything in return and if they want to repay you in any way just tell them that they can repay you by doing something nice for someone else in honor of Lily Grace.

Thank you everyone! When you are done with her challenge please post "Done Lily"... that way Lily knows you are done. :) This Lily Grace Challenge will help to honor the memory of our precious Lily Grace on such a sad day for everyone touched by Lily Grace. Spread the word... Thanks everyone!

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