I hope there is a party in heaven with all your new friends & our family. Maybe Jesus will put a new pretty hairbow in your hair today... that's from me Lily. Love you baby girl! Forever missed, always loved, & never forgotten!!
On Saturday I saw a little baby girl that looked around 3 months old. She was so cute with a headband & cute hairbow. My heart still aches when I see newborns but now it is now expanding to babies that look like they would be Lily's age.
**if you are pregnant or have children & you ever catch someone looking towards your direction.. It may be because of a loss they have endured or because they long to have children one day- just a thought.
I just miss Lily so much. I just don't understand why Lily had to leave me. I still get emails and mailings related to having a baby because I'm technically a new Mom.. I'm just a new Mom without my baby ;(
Here's what Lily would be doing at 3 months old:
Here are the skills, traits, or habits a child will typically have developed by three months of age:
Social and Emotional:
Social smile
Communication of feelings through face and body
Varied cries (hunger vs. pain)
Raises head and chest when lying on stomach
Stretches legs and kicks
Opens and closes hands
Brings hand to mouth
Shakes toys placed in hand
Watches faces and follows moving objects
Recognizes familiar things and people at a distance
Smiles at sound of voices
Begins to babble and echo sounds
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