Thursday, November 29, 2012

100th post on Lily's 3 month Angelversary

Lily Grace Challenge:  "Done Lily"..I can't believe that our Lily Grace has been gone exactly 3 months today.  I say the number but it doesn't feel real.  I can't believe how much I miss her and how much I still want her to just somehow appear out of nowhere so I can have her back.  I can't believe how it feels to grieve the loss of your child..

I also can't believe that more than 400 people have said they will do the Lily Grace Challenge today so more than 400 people will be doing something nice for someone else all because of Lily Grace.  I can't believe that we are getting close to 3,000 people liking Lily's page which means that almost 3,000 people have become friends if you will.. with my sweet Lily Grace.  I can't believe that 25,000 people have read my blog about the journey my family and I have and are still going through.

I can't believe how much generosity has been bestowed on us.  I was told that for the 3rd Lily Grace Challenge today that "Just wanted you to know my 9 yr old granddaughters class is collecting food and donating in her name on Thursday.  They have named it LILY GRACE HELPING HANDS FOR HUNGRY CHILDREN:)".  I can't believe that people that I have never met are doing such great things all because of my Lily Grace.

I can't believe that we may start a "Flat Lily Grace" like the Flat Stanley or that people want to write my blog or this Facebook page on a dollar so they spread her story around the world.  I can't believe how many people write me personal messages of their story but also write me to give condolences for our loss or to tell me how they have also lost a child.  I can't believe that this is the 3rd Lily Grace Challenge in honor of Lily to do an act of kindness for someone else, I can't believe the Lily Grace Project (giving hairbows to sick little girls at Kosair), and I can't believe the Remembrance Coat & Toy drive at my work..

I can't believe that someone wants to make a memorial video for Lily, a scrapbook for Lily, send me the Ladybug book, send hairbows & stickers to give to the children at Kosair, or just to everyone else that has written to offer a generous act (I don't want to leave anyone out).. I don't want to forget anything but I just can't believe the kindness towards Lilly and our family.

I just can't believe she is really gone and I can't believe how many people now know about Lily.  When I knew Lily was going to become an angel one of my biggest worry was her being alone (I know she is with God but I mean leaving her physical body alone because you just don't leave your children alone.. very unnatural) and then once she became an angel I worried that the nurses, doctors, and so many others would forget about Lily (outside of my family).. I started this blog to document my journey of Lily's life as I never thought it would be the story of her passing and I started her Facebook page so I could tell people about Lily and so other people would "Never Forget Lily Grace".. you just never want your child to be forgotten.. Thank you to everyone who remembers Lily and thank you to everyone who is doing the Lily Grace Challenge today.  Please write "Done Lily" so she knows when you are done.. Hard day.. bless you all!

P.S.  How ironic that this is the 100th post on my blog.. today.. her 3 month angelversary

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