Wow.. my last post was about "firsts" and this is a good followup to that.. Yesterday Lily's Aunt Jessica (Ricky's sister) went into labor.. she was due Sunday, 1/20/13 and the doctors thought she would possibly go past her due date by up to 1-2 weeks... Lyla had other plans.. here is how it played out yesterday. I will take my posts from Facebook yesterday and do a story line for you to see... Here we go...
All my kids including Lily are getting a new baby cousin today... Lyla Jo will be here today.. I know Lily is watching over Lyla and blessed her before she comes to us.. I just know it.. Prayers for everyone today.. ❤❤ This is Jessica's "first baby" and my "first baby" since Lily ❤❤

(This was a joke that I did because of all the silly posts that get put on Facebook.. )
Help me.. If I get a million likes today my baby will be here soon.. Help please!! I'm 5-6 cm and I need baby Lyla to come meet us.. My nurse wants your help.. Please hit like.. PLEASE.. if you don't hit like then you don't like babies.. Or you don't like your Mom.. JUST KIDDING...Don't you hate these posts.. Ha ha!!!

Waiting on Baby Lyla to arrive.. Jessica holding my baby Lily's seahorse.. Jess, Lyla, and Lily together ❤..... We will be meeting baby Lyla very soon ❤❤

Welcome Lily, Sarah, Ethan, Blake, and Makayla's newest cousin... Lyla JoLee... Born at 5:16 pm, weighed 7.1 pounds, 19" long, Apgar 9/9
She looks great and is perfect but we are asking for a pulse ox screening.. to make sure her heart is as perfect as it seems.. Just to be safe.. ❤❤❤
I love Lyla.. I love baby Makynlea (Lily's other niece that just turned one in December), and baby Emerson (friends daughter that just turned one this past weekend)..
But this is really playing with my head and heart.. I left the hospital of the birth of a beautiful baby girl but when I passed the cemetery where my baby girl is buried.. It's all gone downhill for me.. I never did skin to skin contact with my baby.. I never breast fed my baby (pump only), my baby will never have a first birthday.. Second, third, etc..
I'm so grateful for the experiences, especially today.. I wouldn't trade it.. My heart is just shattered and longing for my baby Lily.. That's all.. passing the cemetery on the highway coming home just sent me over the edge into sadness and longing for what I don't have... ❤❤❤ but I'm not alone, I'll get through it ❤❤
Signs from Lily: today was very hard for me.. no doubt about it... no secret. The birth of Baby Lyla- the first baby born (especially in our family) since my baby Lily became an angel.
I've been asking Lily for a sign and today... I think she gave me two at least..
See this picture- a few months ago at Lylas baby shower we were supposed to guess the date & time that Lyla would be born plus her height & weight. Look at my guess... Lyla was 19" (exactly), born today on 1/21/13 (exactly- due date was yesterday), weight was 7 lbs 1 oz (I guessed 7 lbs 2 oz), and I guessed 4 pm (born at 5:16 pm).. So I won but.. Wow.. so close to what really happened.. Did Lily help me when I filled that out.. It's crazy?!?
Second sign.. at the end of this hard day when I was leaving the hospital that I did not deliver Lily at.. there was Lily's Labor & Delivery nurse standing there..
Her brother had a baby today & their room is on the same floor/ near Jessica's (Lyla's Mom).. My labor nurse for Lily was leaving at the same exact time that I was leaving & we got on the elevator together to leave.. We talked.. what are the odds that I'd see MY labor nurse for Lily on this day.. My "first" baby day... ❤❤
Thanks Lily.. signs received!!! ❤ Maybe your headstone will come in next Lily.. Keep the signs coming baby girl ❤