Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thank you Everyone...

Thank you for finding Lily everyone... Thank you for your incredible support & words of encouragement.. Thank you for telling others about Lily, her page, and about our hairbow mission to honor Lily and all other children gone too soon.. 

I never dreamed this is where my life would be... 

I now have friends all over the world because of my sweet Lily.. People even approach me in public now too.. I'm not used to that attention part yet but people are always so sweet and they talk about Lily.. They remember Lily.. That feels awesome ❤❤

**I have had more than 26,000 people read my blog since Lily was born and Lily now has more than 3,400 friends on Facebook that follow her story plus many others who read it.. thank you everyone for your support of my sweet baby girl...**

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