Sunday, January 20, 2013

Lily's honorary "God Grandmother"...

Lily's "God Grandmother" :) ... Beckie Baker met my family at a local holiday show and she has made donations of hairbows to help bring joy to other children plus she donated a doll to my Lily... She shared this earlier and I want to share with you: 
Beckie Stallard Followell Baker
Amy I have always wanted a positive way to share my thoughts and feeling of a death that changes your life forever. I chose not to grieve though in my heart I do and I am so grateful that my new husband has ALWAYS expected me to talk about my James.

We fell in love when I was 14, married in 1982. I was told I would never have children but God blessed me with two. We had the best life- 2 children 2 dogs and the picket fence. Knowing we would raise our children then be blessed with grandchildren and grow old together....j But God chose a different path for my life.

I became a widow in 1997..after 3 years of fighting brain cancer he took my James. I love him so much and always feel him with me just like you have Lilly with you. I cannot lie... I had A lot of anger but I don't now...unless you have experienced death too soon you can't understand how it feels.

I don't share my story for pity but to inspire someone who is in the early stage of grief and anger..I am always open to sharing and listening to who ever needs me.

I prayed last night that my James would watch over Lily Grace in heaven and he siad he would. They are there together. Heaven is real and I am positive they both are there.

James was a musician.. he sang like an angel and I have no doubt he is singing her lullabies. Thanks for this site to give people the freedom to say how they feel with people who understand where your at.  Thank You!
No.. thank you Beckie!! Lily is really going out of her way to bring so many people into my life that I would have never met if it wasn't for Lily (some great people too)! Beckie had the privilege of naming her recent grandchild if the baby was a girl.. she ended up having a grandson but the name she was going to name her.. Lily Grace... she was led to us.. I just know it... she has her Lily Grace now... it is not a coincidence!! ♥

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