Someone else approached me about this before and I was offended by their approach because they told me that Lily was not really an angel and the schooled me on why.. they meant well but it was not the right thing to do to a Mom grieving over the loss of her child. In case anyone else is wondering, here is my response:
Do I think Lily passed away and grew angel wings?.... No. Do I think Lily is my sweet baby in heaven watching over me? Yes.. To me she is my angel and always will be..
When people buy hairbows from our project I include a note: From my angel Lily Grace in heaven to your angel here on earth.
To me it's more about a symbol or the qualities of an angel but I do say "when Lily became an angel". It's more a sweet term of endearment for me.. a symbol of love.
Then I thought about it more and came up with this as well: I do say that Lily became an angel in my arms when I tell her story or when people ask how my baby is doing (those that don't know she passed away)- my response is usually that my baby Lily became an angel or that she didn't make it...
Why do I say angel.. After Lily passed away.. I immediately described her passing as "when Lily became an angel".. I never really thought about why but I did think about it.. my biggest reason is that saying Lily became an angel in my arms is easier than saying Lily died in my arms or responding with my baby Lily became an angel is so much easier on me than saying "died".. I have a REALLY hard time saying that about my child. I HATE that word died.. especially since Lily passed away.. it's so harsh and maybe because it's so real.. I hate it though.. I can barely speak that word anymore..
When I talk to other grieving parents.. I'm sure I use the term angel with them too because it is so much more gentle to say "tell me about your angel in heaven" or "can I ask about your angel child"... Than.. "Tell me about your child that died or can I ask about your child that died (or even passed).."
Another Mom (Nikki) who lost her son.. he was born sleeping responded with: I myself think of my son as born into angel's arms. I was brought up to believe that angels were created by God and we do not become them. My son is my angel but I think of him as being kept by Gods angels in heavens nursery to forever be young. When I get to heaven I will hold him as the newborn he was. And we will forever be that way.
In conclusion.. I don't know if I have really shared a picture of Lily's face after she became an angel.. but here is Lily with her Dad and I... RIP sweet angel.. I can't believe you will be gone from me for 5 months tomorrow.. ♥
©2012 nzaPhotography, LLC | Nicole Zirnheld Aldridge |

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