One year ago today.. at this time.. we were waiting (this picture is of her Dad and siblings waiting.. I took this picture from the bed where I was in labor) Lily always did things on her own time.. her delivery wasn't any different...
She would cover her face up for ultrasound pictures or show us her face when she felt like it...
Her chromosome's weren't like other people.. she was unique and she didn't "read the manual" the doctors said Lily was her own person from the second she started to develop..
A true fighter.. she beat so many odds..ultrasound after ultrasound she proved people wrong about how her "mosaic" chromosomes could effect her..
"Do you want to terminate".. can you imagine if I did that.. look at her.. look at what she did and how people say that her life changed them in her 18 days of existing here on earth and 9 months during my pregnancy....
She was worth it.. everything that this journey has put me through.. from the second of her heart diagnosis through her full journey of life through her first birthday in heaven... she was and always will be worth it..
I wouldn't change it for anything.. Happy 1st birthday in heaven sweet little Lily..
One year ago today at 11:08 am.. you "graced" us with your presence and started to change everyone else's life too.. you had already changed my life.. from the second that I saw pregnant on my pregnancy test... (which was exactly one week before we took our last family trip even to this day and that was to Disney World..).. I couldn't ride anything because I was pregnant with Lily and I didn't want to take any chances but it let me spend time with Lily in Disney World..
The chaplain at the hospital asked me to close my eyes and think of a day that is peaceful with Lily outside of the hospital.. I told her Disney World.. I would love to take all of my kids.. including Lily to Disney World.. where everything is magical and everything feels good..
If even for just the time you are there.. 7 days or however long the trip may be.. a magical place where everything is happy.. it's so peaceful and fun.. I so wish our journey would have been different so I could REALLY take you there sweet girl..
Your first birthday decorations are Disney themed of course.. it only seemed fitting..