Monday, August 5, 2013

Reminders to check on a grieving person...

Posted this on August 1st on Lily's FB page: 
This is so true.. I think there needs to be a website developed where you put in the date of when someone passed away and then it sends you automatic reminders to check on people & it will also give you ideas on what you can do- cards, meals, a simple phone call even...

Sometimes I get cards in the mail at random times and it means the world to me.. I hope you take a minute to read (I think this goes for any type of loss.. not just child loss).
FB page: Silent Grief- Child loss Support:
Immediately following the loss of a child there seems to be a lot of support -- cards, food, phone calls, visits. However, within just a few short weeks, this type of support tapers off to almost nothing and that's when families of loss need support even more! When the reality of the loss settles in, the pain the heart feels is difficult to explain. It is a screaming, crying, sobbing, throbbing pain that makes us feel like we can't breathe and we can't get through another minute. If only others understood how important it is to offer support weeks and months (and years) following child loss! Some days feel unbearable! May God bless each family of child loss with special moments of peace today

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