To occupy my mind... I made a shelf specifically to hold spools of ribbon..
I've never made a shelf or any furniture from scratch before.. went to Lowes last weekend and bought everything.. This is the finished product (before sanding & painting it white)...
It's still wet with wood glue so I can't put too many things of ribbon on the shelf yet but I put some on for you to see how it will work..
This shelf will hold all of the ribbon for "The Lily Grace Project- Hairbows for Happiness"
**I'd like to thank Pinterest for this design (crown molding on the edge of the shelves to hold the ribbon on the shelf)..
I'm working to make it easier to make hairbows in my house.. This shelf goes in my Lily Grace memorial/ hairbow craft room... I'm on my way
Happy early 1st birthday Lily Grace... RIP 8/11/12 - 8/29/12
**It is just so unbelievable.. I can't believe that it has been one year.. I can't believe how hard this is.. It has been raining here and I swear.. I feel like the rain is coming from the tears that I have been shedding because I have been crying so much.. it is so hard.. my heart physically hurts like it did when she first passed away.. It is so unbelievable..
So I am going to finally go to bed.. try to sleep... wake up and start cleaning for her mini birthday party...
I don't even know what to do with her candles.. do we sing? Who blows it out? It sucks that we even have to think about it..

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