Dusty pictures...
This may not make any sense to some of you and sadly.. perfect sense to others..
We've been sanding walls and this has made the house dustier than normal.. it makes sense that pictures would get dusty, right??
BUT.. I've never seen my angel daughter Lily Grace's pictures dusty until this past weekend..
When all you have left are pictures and other material things after the loss of your child (and I'm assuming a spouse, parent, etc..) something as simple as their items getting dusty can be a real trigger to a grieving person..
Why.. to think that pictures are the closest thing you have to seeing them and for dust to form on the items (from sanding or just time) is heart breaking.. It's just another reminder of how much time has passed since they left this world..
In one week from today our daughter Lily Grace will be gone for 11 months.. enough time for dust to start settling on her stuff.. What a sad reality..

Then I will share a few more pictures that I put on Lily's page:

I can tell you that losing a child is 100 million times worse than you can dream or imagine that it would feel like...
I know... for 20 weeks prior to my daughters birth I had to face the reality that she may not make it so I had to face that...
I can tell you that I had NO idea how it would really feel or effect me..



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