Does society ever ask or wonder if a person is over the loss of their spouse or parent yet? Or if they've bounced back from losing their spouse or parent??? I don't think so or not from what I've ever seen..
Does society ever wonder that about a parent that loses their child? People say "losing a child is the ultimate loss" yet their words or actions speak the opposite of that when judging how quickly a parent should be over their loss or even how a grieving parent grieves..
Just for the record.. I'm doing ok... I'm just expressing myself on behalf of so many misunderstood grieving parents..
Sometimes people think that when a person expresses their grief that they are "stuck" like that all day and night.. That is a total misperception..
Expressing yourself allows a release so you can move forward or function like everyone else..
Our grief or grieving process doesn't define how we are living but rather it's a part of the journey that we are on because we suffered a big loss.. A loss that we will NEVER "get over" or "bounce back" from..
It's quite ridiculous to think that a parent will get over the loss of their child.. you wouldn't expect a child to get over losing their parent or a spouse to get over a husband or wife that passed away..
Whether you created your child or adopted your child.. your child was interwoven into your life FOREVER... they will never disappear...
Grieving parents learn to "adjust" to a new life without their child.. they won't bounce back or move on.. They just learn new ways of living & to expect anything different is crazy..
We are not crazy... we are in a learning process.. I hope you never understand our journey & always remember to not judge others when you have not walked a mile in their shoes..
You can speculate and make assumptions but that doesn't make you more knowledgable about our situation.. it's just a guess.. that's all

Then on July 26th I shared this:
I can't believe Lily would be celebrating her first birthday two weeks from this Sunday... August 11, 2012 was the day she was born... a beautiful day that I wouldn't trade for anything...
The time that I got with her.. the 9 months for my pregnancy and the 18 days that she graced us here on earth after she was born.. she was worth any pain or sadness that I have experienced or continue to feel...
She is missed beyond words.. FLY sweet girl.. ♥
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