Lily being gone for HALF of a year.. wow.. that is hard.. way harder than I could imagine. Getting her headstone on Tuesday was so wonderful. I thought I would be sad when I saw it but rather I was soooo happy. The bad thing about being so happy though.. is when you get sad about losing your child.. you crash hard.. really hard.
So Tuesday night I crashed.. hard.. I cried so much that my eyes were hard to open the next morning from being swollen a little... I feel bad for the people around me sometimes because I just don't handle things as well as I used too.. So for about one month.. I have really been struggling.. I'm sorry if I haven't written Lily's friends back quickly or done hairbow orders as quick as I did before... I was just really struggling..
It was so incredibly hard losing my child... and the six month mark almost felt like I lost her all over again.. it is hard to explain but it is unbelievable pain that I hope you never go through...
Thank you to my friend Brenda who saw this picture and immediately thought of me.. so I want to share this as not only do I think of Lily & I but also of all the other angel parents out there when I read this.. Thank you Brenda! This is is for all of the grieving parents.. I just wish there wasn't so many of us.. much love and thank you all for "Never Forgetting Lily Grace".. our Lily Grace ♥

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