Sunday, March 31, 2013

Lily was diagnosed one year ago on 3/30/12...

Posted yesterday on Lily's Facebook page (Never Forget Lily Grace): 

One year ago today...3/30/12: 

Ricky and I were going to my big 19 week gender ultrasound to find out if we were having a girl or a boy and to make sure our baby was doing well- they call it the anatomy scan (because that's really why they do that "big" appointment).

I asked them to make the appointment that day- Friday, March 30th because our birthdays started that weekend (4/1 for me & 4/2 for Lily's Dad Ricky)..It would be an early birthday present plus I had some fun things planned to share our babies gender.. yeah..

The ultrasound started.. Ahh.. there's our baby.. we were so excited & anxious.. she kept looking at certain areas over & over on our baby.. No- our baby's fine I told myself.. No need to worry.. what are we having I kept wondering.. our house was divided but a lot of people were hoping for another girl (of course everyone wanted her to be healthy..)

So she said "do you want to know what you're having?.. Yes we said... "You're having a girl"... Ahh.. How exciting.. then she said okay.. clean up and come to the lobby & the doctor is going to talk to you (we had an appointment for my checkup anyways) do that wasn't a shocker but it was the way she had our chart, her mannerisms.. The way she was talking.. something wasn't right.. I started to worry more but I didn't say anything because Ricky would just say that I worry about everything ❤

So as we sat in the lobby talking about our pictures, the gender.. Ricky says "Did you notice that she kept looking at certain parts of her body a lot.. over & over"... so we talked.. yes I did.. I'm afraid they found something wrong.. I kept seeing her look at blood flow.. then we became so nervous and anxious as we waited..

So we see the doctor (who is wonderful- LOVE her- Dr. Case at Total Woman).. she talked to us about how it's exciting that we're having a girl.. what my kids wanted us to have, etc.. then the talk started..

Amy & Ricky.. There is something wrong with your daughters heart.. it's called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome... then she talked about the plan.. how everything else looked perfect, what that meant, how she would need open heart surgery- 109% sure.. I'd have to switch to high risk doctors for 100% of my care at 30 weeks pregnant, the specialists we would see, how we would have to deliver at a new hospital.. my whole "plan" changed...

My life changed so much from that day forward.. I'm grateful to Dr. Case who stayed involved through my whole pregnancy.. Who gave me her cell phone # to talk if I needed anything.. who explained things to me when the high risk appointments got confusing..

So all of my fun gender announcement plans.. my happy weekend.. shopping for our "baby girl"... It was different, emotional, overwhelming... it's funny how things can change "in a heart beat"..

now we had to tell our family, tell our oldest daughter (because she would have pieced things together & we wanted her to know the truth rather than making up things in her head of what the worry could be..)..

Yes.. One year ago today, 3/30/12.. Our lives forever changed.. It has made a full circle.. I can remember so much of that day so clearly...

Yes we had a baby girl... Our angel Lily Grace ❤

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