"Don't you worry, don't you worry, child.
See heaven's got a plan for you.
Don't you worry, don't you worry now."
That song is catchy and I'll sing it to my kids just being silly.. so last week I was so singing the "Don't you worry, don't you worry child... Heaven's got a plan for you" part of a song with a silly voice and emphasis like the singer does but my version was even crazier..
Makayla and I started changing the lyrics.. I was being silly and so was Makayla but where I would say things about "Don't you worry child..Don't you worry child..Mommy's making breakfast for you" or "Don't you worry child..Don't you worry child.. I'm going to draw a picture for you.." well Makayla's were much deeper than mine..
"Don't you worry.. don't you worry child.. You'll be out of the hospital soon"
"Don't you worry... don't you worry child... Your sisters gonna live for you"
"Don't you worry... don't you worry child... You'll be coming to our home soon.."
"Don't you worry... don't you worry child.. Mommy's never gonna forget you.."
Innocent moments like those can make your heart happy because of the innocence and love shared but can also hurt because your 6 year old child should not know of the loss & pain of losing their sibling.. They should have silly lyrics to make up & not deep, thoughtful lyrics because of the pain they feel from losing their sister..
Makayla was still laughing and goofing around so I went along with it and I gracefully wiped tears as I danced so she wouldn't see me cry during our playful time.. I didn't want her to stop having fun and being silly plus I know it's important for her to express these feelings so I wanted her to feel comfortable doing so...
She's right Lily..."Don't you worry.... don't you worry child.. Your families gonna live for you.." ❤❤
**The real song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRy8lGDnKlY

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