Posted on Lily's Facebook page 3/18/13:
I have always said that all things happen for a reason... there is a purpose for everything... life seems like a cruel joke over the last year.. I just can't explain the stuff that I have been through in the last 15 months..
More news tonight.. sometimes I just don't understand- at all. I have even thought KARMA was true but if so.. I really don't think I am a bad person so I don't know about KARMA anymore..
I know that God doesn't give us more than we can handle but... I don't know about that sometimes either.. God and I have talked about that.. he knows that I think that..
A miracle could still happen with the news that we got tonight so I will pray for that ♥.. that miracle and for things to start going in a more positive direction.. ♥
Then I posted this followup message on Lily's page (Never Forget Lily Grace) on 3/19/13:
Still praying for a miracle..
I posted last night about how we received bad news last night... here it goes-
We put our house up for sale by owner one year ago.. two weeks later on March 30, 2012 we found out that we were having a girland sadly.. that her heart was very sick..... ❤ We know she fought hard & became an angel after being full term & living on earth for 18 days... ❤
.... so fast forward to 2013- we got an offer that was accepted for our house 2/15/13... Yeah.. Everything is good on the house- we are scheduled to close next Tuesday 3/26 at 10 am on our current house and noon for our new house.. bought a non-refundable dining room table for our new house this past weekend (our current house has a built in table).. Carpet guy measuring for carpet today at 4....
.....And then last night at 9 pm I got a call from my agent.. The guy buying our house- his mortgage rep had just called our agent to say that our buyers loan just fell through.. everything fell through.. just like that..
The house that was going to have a Lily Project hairbow room/ Lily memorial... the house where I could finally plant an outdoor memorial (flowers, tree, angels, etc.).. The house where we could start the next chapter of our life.. just like that.. It was taken away ...
UNLESS a miracle happens... this is such a ripple effect and so many families are effected by this.... so a lot of people are working to get him a new loan or another solution but realistically... it's not good...
So it could be worse but we are out money for appraisal, inspection, other house fees, the table.. etc.. Dreams (Pinterest dreams too)
So I pray for a miracle... that is what upset me last night and had me asking why... why me... why us... why one more thing when we've gone through so much in such a short time... One year ago on March 30th... our lives were forever changed..
I just want things to get better.. this news could be worse... I know but it's very stressful news... selling a house is so stressful & one week prior to closing.. this... ugh..
This picture- it's our sweet pug Daisy.... I'm worried about our Daisy because she's getting older & doing things that dogs do when they get much older.. I pray that my dogs are with me for awhile because things haven't been going our way and we have 3 pugs.. Daisy, Jasmine, & Zappa.. We almost lost Jasmine when Lily was so sick & she's on several meds... so I worry about my older babies Daisy & Jas.. That's why I'm sharing this picture..
Please pray for a miracle on our house ❤

Then I posted the final update on Lily's Facebook page yesterday, 3/23/13:
Our house...
Sorry that I kept everyone in suspense. For those that didn't see my last post about my house- my family and I put our house up for sale 2 weeks before we found out that we were having a girl and that her heart was very sick. So it was for sale for about 11 months (for sale by owner for the majority of that..sold with an agent..wonderful person) and then we received an offer on 2/15/13.
Everything was going great... house inspections, appraisals, our loan, things were good... things were working out at the house we were buying.. We were set to close this Tuesday 3/26/12 at 10 am and noon on both houses.. (first on our current house and then on the one we were buying).
This past Monday night (pretty much one week before closing..) I received a call from our wonderful agent Marty... everything was falling through. The buyer of our house... their loan fell through because of self employment concerns on his taxes.. So they spent the week trying to get it worked out.. Thursday night around 9:30 pm... it was 100% over... on Tuesday I had asked everyone to pray for a miracle.. thank you for your prayers.. it will work out.. just differently.. somehow.
It has been a really hard, trying, awful year.... a beautiful year because we had Lily but sadly we lost her... so I pray that things turn around and good luck will start coming our way... the purchase of our new house was contingent on the sale of our current house going through... so it is a ripple effect and many, many families were effected by this...
So it's back up for sale which is stressful to keep your house in showing condition with 4 children, 3 dogs, life...etc..
It will work out one way or another.. that is what I pray for... :)
P.S. The house that we were moving too was across the street from my best friend and our kids were sooooo incredibly excited (ride school bus together, etc), we sold our kids swingset... so that is tough to look in my backyard to see that gone after this just fell through at the last minute.... plus we bought that nonrefundable dining room table (our table is currently built into our kitchen so we can't use it at our current house).. they will now give us a store credit at least... ugh... so it is multi-layered... plus I want to plant a memorial garden for Lily and I can't until we move... and have a hairbow room... etc...
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