Treston’s story as told by his Mommy:
Treston Samuel Hinchey Oropeza, Born on November 24, 2009 and Passed Away on January 28, 2010.
Treston was born to Josh and I on Nov 24, 2009 a beautiful 9lb 2oz baby boy... Perfectly healthy and happy!! He is our forth born- two sisters and one big brother who were absolutely crazy about the idea of having a little brother. I remember all Danny talked about was watching football with him and putting his shoes on.. (not so sure what the shoe thing was about but pretty sweet to us). Life was so wonderful, our marriage was perfect our family felt so right!! It’s so hard to explain but things had never seemed so right in life! We were so excited to take him home and we did so on thanksgiving day.
Things were perfect, we settled in well with our new sweet bundle of precious joy. His health continued to be wonderful and at eight weeks old I had to travel out of town for mandatory yearly training in Boston KY. So since I nursed him, he had to travel with me. My husband had gotten laid off from work so he and the three small children went with me while our oldest stayed with my parents being she was the only one in school at the time.
Things were great.. we were on a mini paid vacation-Danny 3 and Ashlynn almost 4 were having a blast. Treston began to become congested and just kept getting worse so on Thursday of that week, my husband took him to ER. They tested him for everything and told him it was just head congestion so to continue as we had been doing with the humidifier and bulb syringe and he should clear up..
We returned home for the weekend only to have to go back the next Monday. In the meantime, Treston seemed to be clearing up while at home but as soon as we returned to the hotel it was back just as bad. Other than that all was well. UNTIL Thursday Jan 28, 2010 at 11:10 when I received a call and it was josh saying “get here now the baby has stopped breathing”.
My wonderful life as I knew it was falling to pieces and I couldn't control it. I arrived at the hotel where my husband was waiting with the other two children as the ambulance had carried our son to the hospital. We arrived at the hospital where I ran to the ambulance entrance and the EMT let me right in. They then took us into the room where he was and walked up to the side of the bed my knees buckled. They were doing CPR and for what seemed like forever but in reality..not so long at all.
They tried only to tell us they were so sorry and at 11:47am the time of death was called for our sweet son. We had to endure a very hard cruel death investigation.. although the detective was very, very sweet. In the end it was SIDS like a thief in the night. it came and stole our sweet baby right from our arms..
**So sorry for your loss April and Josh.. To all of Lily’s readers.. this next part is why Treston is a special, special honorary Heart Angel to me..”
From Treston’s Mom: In our tragedy though we decided that we wanted to give the gift of life to someone else's child so that at Christmas or their birthdays… they weren't crying as we do. We donated Treston's heart valves and would have given more if we were able!!!! I am telling our story so that it might help raise awareness for heart defects and to say how proud I am to know that two children and their families are celebrating each day together. Thank you for taking your time to read our story.. we love and miss our sweet Treston so much!!!

❤ Heart Awareness Month ❤ Meet our next February 28th Heart Warrior Lillian Sophia Smith. She has a Mommy, Daddy, big sister Christine and big brother Emmit!
Lillian’s story as told by her Mommy:
Lillian Sophia Smith was born July 24, 2012. She was 37 weeks and 4 lbs 6 ozs. We found out at our 20 week ultrasound about her heart condition called Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS).
We knew what was ahead for us. The day after she was born, we were transferred to Boston Children’s hospital because the surgeon at our hospital was concerned about operating on her, due to her small size.
We spent 4 weeks there and had a very successful Norwood (first surgery that babies with HLHS receive usually within the first 10 days of life- my Lily had her Norwood surgery at around 5 days old).
We transferred back to our home hospital for 3 weeks to work on feedings. She had a g-tube placed and was sent home on September 11, 2012. We spent two great months at home. Then on December 12, 2012 we were admitted to our hospital for failure to thrive.
She had a cath and was put on oxygen full time due to Lilly not being able to keep her sats up. We stayed December 12th thru January 28th basically growing and thriving until we transferred back to Boston Children’s Hospital.
She had her Glenn on January 30, 2013 (2nd surgery that babies with HLHS typically receive on average around 4-6 months old). This was a successful surgery but 3 days later, she went into respiratory arrest.
Then 3 days after that… she had a large seizure so we did a CT scan and found that she suffered a stroke on the whole left side of her brain. We are now doing recovery from everything, she is doing great.
We are looking forward to going home soon. You can see more of her story at
**My Lily Grace was really Lillian Grace but we called her Lily too.. like this beautiful Lillian also called Lilly! My Lily also had HLHS like this sweet Lilly does.. please visit her page, show her some love, and send some prayers their way!!

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