Welcome to the journey of our family while we face an unknown future for our unborn daughter that has Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and a chromosome 17 abnormality. We are living in hope...
Sunday, March 17, 2013
A few pictures of the Lily Grace Project: Hairbows for Healing hairbows
Just thought I would share some of our Lily Grace Project hairbows.. I sold these on Lily's Facebook page "Never Forget Lily Grace". I never imagined selling hairbows but so many people asked if they could buy them so we started selling them this year. Every hairbow bought gets one hairbow donated to a precious child in the hospital... I sold close to 30 in one night.. wow.. what a miracle. This helps us to continue making more hairbows. I have big dreams for this- mailing hairbows to other hospitals, helping to purchase a bench at the babyland section of Evergreen where Lily has her resting spot (dedicated to all the babies & for all of the parents..).. to just get more hairbows out to more kids and to keep this project going forever hopefully!!
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