"No, I'm not like this all of the time!"..
My recent posts have been passionate.. then again many of my posts are open, honest, filled with emotion, and passionate.
I write this because some people only see what I'm writing, don't see me in person, probably don't talk to me between my posts, etc.. so this leads them to think wrong things..
Let me clear the air.. The sadness, emotion, passion, etc that you read on here- I'm not like that every minute of my life.. I'm functioning! Yes, I'm grieving and I write to release my grief when my grief is so heavy.. it does help me to get it off my chest and then I can move on in that moment.
I think some people think that I write and that I'm "stuck" like that but that's not true. I write to help me.. It's my form of journaling if that makes sense. I just "journal" publicly because it helps me as much as it helps other people.
I try to help other people with my writing too. Who am i trying to help, besides myself?? I'll tell you: other grieving parents, people who want to know what it's like for grieving parents, and so people can understand grieving parents more which will help them know things to say, do, and ways to help those grieving parents.
So for the record.. No, I'm not walking around 24/7 like in the way that I write if that makes sense.
Yes, I'm sad! Yes, I have bad moments! Yes, I do cry for my Lily! Yes, I do spend time and play with my other kids! Yes, I'm finally trying to enjoy life again! Yes, I can get really sad and it can be a short intense burst of emotion or it can linger with me but it's not 24/7! Yes, I miss Lily nonstop but I'm functioning.. I'm not pretending.. I'm just learning to live again without her!
It is hard! You can't fix me unless you give me Lily back..I'm not going to hurt myself.. I'm just express myself passionately.
I would appreciate it though if people are concerned that they ask me directly instead of asking other people.. sometimes that adds layers of unnecessary drama and stress for grieving parents.. we truly don't need any more stress in our life!
If you want to know how a grieving parent is doing, simply ask and be ready to listen. We may be having a hard moment so we may not answer then but we will... ask specific questions ("I notice that you write about.. that you say..they you seem..") and give examples if you we are not answering you the way you want..
My recent posts have been passionate.. then again many of my posts are open, honest, filled with emotion, and passionate.
I write this because some people only see what I'm writing, don't see me in person, probably don't talk to me between my posts, etc.. so this leads them to think wrong things..
Let me clear the air.. The sadness, emotion, passion, etc that you read on here- I'm not like that every minute of my life.. I'm functioning! Yes, I'm grieving and I write to release my grief when my grief is so heavy.. it does help me to get it off my chest and then I can move on in that moment.
I think some people think that I write and that I'm "stuck" like that but that's not true. I write to help me.. It's my form of journaling if that makes sense. I just "journal" publicly because it helps me as much as it helps other people.
I try to help other people with my writing too. Who am i trying to help, besides myself?? I'll tell you: other grieving parents, people who want to know what it's like for grieving parents, and so people can understand grieving parents more which will help them know things to say, do, and ways to help those grieving parents.
So for the record.. No, I'm not walking around 24/7 like in the way that I write if that makes sense.
Yes, I'm sad! Yes, I have bad moments! Yes, I do cry for my Lily! Yes, I do spend time and play with my other kids! Yes, I'm finally trying to enjoy life again! Yes, I can get really sad and it can be a short intense burst of emotion or it can linger with me but it's not 24/7! Yes, I miss Lily nonstop but I'm functioning.. I'm not pretending.. I'm just learning to live again without her!
It is hard! You can't fix me unless you give me Lily back..I'm not going to hurt myself.. I'm just express myself passionately.
I would appreciate it though if people are concerned that they ask me directly instead of asking other people.. sometimes that adds layers of unnecessary drama and stress for grieving parents.. we truly don't need any more stress in our life!
If you want to know how a grieving parent is doing, simply ask and be ready to listen. We may be having a hard moment so we may not answer then but we will... ask specific questions ("I notice that you write about.. that you say..they you seem..") and give examples if you we are not answering you the way you want..

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