I couldn't prepare myself for how hard this day would be.. I can't even explain how hard it was..
I have shed so many tears yesterday and today.. if all tears from grieving parents were collected.. we'd probably flood the country
I enjoyed my time with my kids here on earth and longed for my daughter in heaven..
Yesterday, I met my Moms wonderful nurse Sarah who happened to also be a grieving Mom and today is one year from when she lost her baby boy (multiple 2nd trimester losses.. ).
So I decided to use my sad, sad energy today to type up a grieving parent resource sheet in hopes that it could help her.. her loss broke my heart...
Mother's Day is bittersweet...
I gave Sarah some resources today plus a Lily Grace Project hairbow in memory of her babies .. Guess what Sarah was wearing today? Fleur-de-lis earrings which means "Flower of Lily".. I think Lily had her hand in this.. Sarah didn't know that's what it meant.. what are the odds?
Happy Mother's Day everyone!! Prayers for all grieving Moms today and children who are missing their Moms too!!

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