Music has been important in my journey of having my daughter diagnosed with a serious illness and then losing her... I sang to my daughter while I was pregnant all of the time..
I also spent the last day of her life singing to her and letting her know that she is not alone... so music means a lot to me...
Here are some of the songs I either sang to Lily while I was pregnant, while she was in the hospital, on her last day here on earth with us, songs that now mean a lot to me since her loss, since I have become a grieving parent, and I still sing to her now when I visit the cemetery or here at home.... I hope this helps someone else because when I am really, really sad.. this helps me..
Thank you for reading
Ronan by Taylor Swift
I Will Carry You by Selah
Fly by Celine Dion
You are Not Alone by Michael Jackson
Somewhere Over the Rainbow by IZ
Beam Me Up by Pink
and the song I sang to her ALL of the time.. even when I handed her over to her nurse after she passed away and I had to walk away from Lily...
I Surrender All

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