May 5, 2013 is International Bereaved Mothers Day
A few years ago an additional Mother's Day was declared. This Mother's Day takes place exactly one week prior to the traditional Mother's Day every year.. the International Bereaved Mother's Day
Today's Mothers Day is dedicated to all Mother's that try so hard to get pregnant yet they are unable, that had an adoption fall through, that got pregnant but that pregnancy miscarried, that delivered a baby born sleeping, that lost a baby as an infant, that lost their child at an older age, and that lost a child in any way at any time...
Traditional Mother's Day is hard for Bereaved Mothers.. if we have children then yes we appreciate the day & love our children here on earth but one or more of our children are not here on earth with us and that's hard.. People may not be able to understand that and we are glad that they can't because that means they have never experienced such a loss
Please take a moment to share this status with any bereaved Mom that you know, to tell them happy Bereaved Mother's Day, and to help honor any baby or child gone too soon.
Much love from the Mommy to angel Lily Grace —

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