The gift of my Lilybug..
8 months ago today I was told by doctors that our Lily wasn't going to make it..
It's been 8 months.. Time just keeps passing without her & I can't tell you how incredibly hard that is..
I still cry for her everyday..
I miss her so much everyday..
My arms still ache for her everyday..
Nothing will ever take the place of my sweet Lily.. I could adopt 100 kids and she still wouldn't be replaced.. She'd still be missed..
Tonight my daughter Makayla was thinking about Lily and picked out "The Gift of The Ladybug" for me to read to her. This book was a gift from one of Lily's Facebook friends.
It's a sweet, touching story about how these wonderful parents (horses) had a baby that ended up being a ladybug instead of a horse like all other horse parents get.. That their ladybug baby was different and that their babies life wouldn't be as long as other babies.. ❤
It's a precious book.. Lily sure was a gift to all of us including her brothers and sisters too.. we all miss her.. ❤

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