So you get tested for this during pregnancy and then they treat you with antibiotics if it is positive. It is a bacteria that can just live in your body and if your baby comes in contact with it.. it could be serious BUT many doctors act like.. "nothing will happen but we will treat you with antibiotics before you deliver and then your baby after you deliver.. vaginal deliveries have more risks than c-sections but everything will be fine.... your baby will be fine..don't read the can sound scary."
So... Jacci had a c-section (safer than vaginal delivery..right?).. her baby seemed fine and then one day.. all of a sudden.. she wasn't.. it was GBS that took baby Stella away from her parents suddenly.. their life was pretty normal until then.. just like that... children's hospital, hooked up to machines, had to make a decision on what to do.. they had to turn life support off for their baby we did for Lily.. Can you imagine?
So Jacci and her wonderful husband Ryan have 3 girls.. Emma, Nora, and angel Stella. Their baby Stella's name means "star". Jacci and Ryan are paying it forward by helping other people by sharing Stella's things with people who could use them.. they are so caring! So I made and surprised their two daughters with two hairbows that had stars all over it and this is what Jacci wrote on Lily's Facebook page.. it was a message for everyone to see but it was so sweet.. I wanted to share plus I wanted to share their pictures too!
I just wanted to say what a beautiful person you are. I know you were totally broken the other day on the inside but you were able to do something that meant the world to Ryan and I. You were so nice to bring the "A" to Stellas name to ryan and I and give my two girls two bows that represented both Stella and beautiful Lily. It was so sweet. On Tuesday was the first time Ryan was able to hear another angel parent speak about the loss of their little baby. I think it hit home to realize that we are not alone in this horrific journey. When you left Ryan held onto the the lily grace card and cried for you and Lily.
When Emma and Nora got home from school they were so excited to see the bows that represented their little sister (stella means star and the bows Amy gave us had stars all over them). We had to explain to them what happened and Nora says, "I know they are best friends in heaven because they are close in age just like Paigie and me." It was so cute. Thank you for everything you have done. Lily was so lucky to have a mommy like you and I know she is looking down smiling. : ) Here is a huge hug from one angel mommy to another.
**Jacci is working hard to raise awareness of GBS- please visit this website to learn more:
P.S. I hope I did this justice Jacci.. if you ever want to share Stella's story on here.. I would be honored. I would add her to "Lily's friends in Heaven"..even though we already know they are great friends in heaven :)

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