TOMORROW, February 12th is the big day.. My family and I go to Kosair Children's Hospital for our third Lily Grace Project: Hairbows for Healing donation trip. I'm also going to be on local TV in the morning.. ahhh..
My coworker wrote our local TV station WHAS 11 "Great Day Live" and told them my story about Lily and the hairbows.. They called me a few weeks ago and we decided on tomorrow's date because of the significance: third hairbow trip to Kosair is the same day and it's during "Congenital Heart Defect Awareness Week".
I'm SUPER nervous!! They may have a camera crew come to the hospital for our donation trip tomorrow night too..
P.S. I had a little helper named Lyla and her Mommy Jessica come over and help me get ready for our hairbow trip last night. Lyla was working hard. (This is Lily's cousin and Aunt.)
Lily's older brother Ethan is holding Lyla.. He loves babies and he'll tell you "Babies love me!" I just wish he could have held his little sister Lily one day but I'm glad they have another cousin to love!

** I also wanted to share this from Lily's page...
Hugs and Kisses are being sent to my angel in heaven... Anyone else sending hugs and kisses to their angel in heaven?? Your angel can be any age❤❤❤
I would like to thank the Facebook group "I Am A Mother to an Angel" for making this beautiful picture in memory of our sweet Lily!! It's perfect.. ❤❤

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