Saturday, April 27, 2013

So sweet and innocent..

The innocence of children.. 

My sweet daughter Lily became an angel 7-1/2 months ago.. some of the hardest moments or moments that catch me off guard are from my other sweet, innocent children. 

Yesterday my son was so excited to show me a baby related book (baby animals) that he checked out at his school for me and today my daughter was excited to show me a baby book that she checked for me.. 

Blake told me "Lily is a baby that died so I wanted to get you a book about baby animals". He then told me that any baby reminds him of Lily.. 

Then he told me that Lily has a lot of friends in the undead world..(he corrected himself and said heaven)- if someone sees a baby ghost then you would see Lily he then said. 

Makayla then told me that I needed a baby book in case my friends baby died so I could help my friend.. It would be sad for my friend but good/ happy for Lily because she would have a new friend in heaven.. 

You never know when these conversations will happen ❤

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