We moved and I have a room reserved for Lily. Half of it will be a memorial sitting area and the other half is for our hairbow project.
I wanted to share a few things that I found for her room.. beautiful white curtains (looks like it belongs on a wedding dress), an aqua colored lamp that has sea horses on the bottom and a sea horse on the very top, a sea horse statue decoration, and we are making a sitting/ storage bench for people to visit on or read on...
Lily had a sea horse by her side from day one so a sea horse has significance to me now... She had this toy:http://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Price-Ocean-Wonders-Soothe-Seahorse/dp/B0083IXKYE
The doctors and nurses let us keep it by her head and we played the music nonstop to help soothe her.. it was the one way that we could try to make her feel better.. if you would have told me that I would have been decorating with sea horses one year ago.. I would have thought you were crazy but here I am..
My daughter Lily's room is painted in a pretty aqua smoke color:http://www.homedepot.com/p/BEHR-Premium-Plus-Ultra-8-oz-470E-3-Aqua-Smoke-Interior-Exterior-Paint-Sample-470E-3U/202182329#.UdtqFfmshkU
It's the least that I can do for her.. I just wanted to share... Maybe it will be done by her first birthday on August 11th

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