My mind says that my daughter passed away 10 months ago on 8/29/12...
My heart says.. "no.. that can't be.. it feels like yesterday that I was holding her, kissing her, touching her.. I remember EVERYTHING..the sounds.. the beeps.. the medical staff.. the scares.. the happy moments.. the extreme roller coaster up & downs.."
The calendar keeps changing.. day by day goes by.. further away from when my Lily Grace was here.. My heart doesn't want to believe it.. my mind knows that it is true.. and my body is just left confused...
Grieving the loss of a child almost makes you feel moments of bipolar.. happy.. very sad.. guilty for feeling happy.. not so happy.. very sad.. stressed.. sad.. up & down.. up & down..
You just want to wake up from this nightmare & say.. whew.. oh my gosh.. that was the most horrible dream ever.. let me go count my kids... 1..2..3..4..and 5.. they are all here..
But reality is harsh.. it doesn't lie... 1..2..3..4...and Lily's still not here...

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