Sunday, October 21, 2012

2nd Lily Grace Challenge

It is that time again!! Lily Grace was a wonderful, sweet baby that is loved by so many and she also loved everyone back. She became an angel on August 29, 2012 and in just one week on Monday, October 29, 2012 will be exactly two full months from when our sweet Lily grew her angel wings and left us here on earth.

To help make the 29th a better day, I want to challenge everyone to do something nice for someone else. This will be called "The Lily Grace Challenge" and this will happen on the 29th of every 

month (modified for February). I'm trying to turn the grief that everyone is experiencing into more of a positive experience (as much as possible).

So I challenge each and every one of you to participate in the Lily Grace Challenge. Tell your family and friends about it too. I challenge you to do at least one nice thing for someone else and this could be big or small. Just do anything that would help another person- plus you won't expect anything in return and if they want to repay you in any way just tell them that they can repay you by doing something nice for someone else in honor of Lily Grace.

I want everyone to "Pay it Forward". It will make another person feel better, brighten their day but also make you feel better too. On Monday, October 29th I would like to know how many people participate so please comment on Lily's Facebook page (Never Forget Lily Grace) or simply write a comment on her blog.  You don't have to say what you did but you could at least say "Done Lily". I was so touched and amazed by how many people participated last month. The stories were truly amazing. I already know what I am doing.. My family and I are making our first trip back to Kosair Children's Hospital to give out hairbows to sick little girls in the NICU and PICU where Lily lived her entire life. This is what we have posted about previously and we call it "The Lily Grace Project".

Thank you everyone! This Lily Grace Challenge will help to honor the memory of our precious Lily Grace on such a sad day for everyone touched by Lily Grace. Spread the word... Thanks everyone!

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