Hello. I'm writing you completely exhausted yet completely overjoyed as I am a new Mom again to a beautiful baby girl- Lillian Grace. We call her Lily. She was born Saturday, 8/11/12, at 11:08 am weighing in at 6 lbs 8 oz & 19-1/2 inches long.
She has a lot of hair, she cried a lot when born, and she received apgar scores of 9 after birth (out of 10). She's doing as well as I can ask for at this point. Her Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome was confirmed by cardiologists on Saturday and her first open heart surgery is scheduled for this Wednesday morning starting at 7:30 am. The surgery may last until 1:30-3 pm and we will get to see her sometime in the early evening after surgery once she is settled in her PICU room.
She is precious, beautiful, and sweet. I did get to hold her for maybe 1-2 minutes after delivery and Ricky held her briefly after me. We haven't been able to hold her again but they are trying to let me hold her before surgery Wednesday morning.
Lily had a hood over her which is more like an oxygen tent over the top half of her body. She has an tube in her nose, monitors on her head/chest/kidneys/ feet/ etc, and IV's in her hand and belly button. I can touch her foot & sometimes her hand. Sunday night around midnight her nurse let me change her diaper, take her temp under her arm, and put a headband on (that the nurse made). It meant the world to me and I thought I was dreaming this morning when I woke up. ;).
Lastly, we are still waiting for the geneticist to see Lily for the first time & it will be several days before we get any genetics testing back. They won't be taking the chromosome 17 diagnosis away but rather checking to make sure nothing was missed.

©2012 nzaPhotography, LLC | Nicole Zirnheld Aldridge | www.nzaPhotography.com
Congrats on your precious little miracle! I've been following your journey and I will continue to pray for little Lily. :)