Wednesday, May 23, 2012

WOW!! Wonderful doctors appointment today!! I will take all of the great news that I can get right now...

     I am floating with happiness right now because Ricky and I had the greatest doctors appointment today.  I know this news can change at any time but for today, for the moment, and for now.. I will take any good news that we can get!!  So our baby is still growing strong!  She measures right on her due date, her heart rate is 142 (right where it has been), and she is estimated to be 2 pounds and 4 ounces!  She even moved her hands long enough to get a profile picture!  We finally got a profile picture at 27 weeks!  (picture below)

     They also checked for symmetry of her bones which looked great and her arms/ legs measured great!  Her brain and head measured great!  They saw no fluid on her brain!  Her heart still has a strong function like last time (as strong as it can be with her heart condition but I will take that)!  They STILL see NO other markers, other than the heart, on the ultrasounds which is wonderful, wonderful news!  I couldn't have asked for more of a positive appointment!  Again I know this can change at any time but for this moment... she looks GREAT!  I get another ultrasound in 3 weeks as there is no need to come sooner since things look so good!  

     Our next steps are to tour the hospital where I will deliver, tour the children's hospital along with their Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) where she will have surgery, meet with the pediatric cardiologist, and a little later.. meet the pediatric cardiac surgeons.  Well and wait for the cross contamination blood work too and that could be up to 3 more weeks!  I would almost be fine with 3 more weeks because I could hold on to this good news for THREE more weeks!  That sounds wonderful!  Three weeks of GOOD news!!  :)  Thanks for reading!

This is our baby girls face (side profile) with her hand right in front of her face!!  We even have a picture of her sucking her thumb!!  So sweet!! 


  1. Congrats on the good news! We've been thinking about you guys a lot lately. You'll continue to be in our prayers.

  2. Awesome news!!!! So glad!!! Stay strong!!! She's a fighter! Let her price these docs wrong!!!!! Yeah baby! You go girl!!!!!!!

  3. Price should be prove! Silly phone!

  4. Oh Amy I can not tell you how excited i am for you and your good news!!! You will not leave our prayers =)

  5. Anonymous5/24/2012

    Yes!!! So glad you heard good news! We will keep you all in our prayers.
